
Suka Hijau TVC

Suka Hijau from Motiofixo on Vimeo.

worked with Fariz Hanapiah and Encik Painface for this one :D you may recognize some of the illustrations that i did too from the Suka Hijau Print Collaterals that i've posted months ago which you can even download the wallpaper. by far, this is the most cutest work i've chipped in while interning at Motiofixo



i felt soo jealous of those people who used space-like visuals, triangles and edgy typeface in their artworks.. so i made one.. i first started this design when i was doing my intern dlu.. then today i finished it.

the meaning..? uuh.. i haven't really thought of that.. maybe you can find something in this picture.. i'll let you decide what it means..

"Beads for Heartbeats" Presentation Slides

Here's the slides i've done for my Final Year Project presentation called "Beads for Heartbeats" Fundraising Campaign. Click on them for larger images. oh, and.. excuse the use of Verdana.. had to use it since the campaign sponsor is IKEA..


8TV Freakout Friday

8tv : Freakout Friday from Motiofixo on Vimeo.

One of the most colourful work i've ever worked with Ajinda and Painface :D We did this the first day i came for my internship on June it was quite a challenge to do it coz we had to colour up the whole 98 frames of each character you see in there.. the whole idea was Shah's.. it was freaky and quirky i love it!


Internship Presentation Slides

i did these slides for my internship presentation after i've finished my internship at Motiofixo. nothing much.. just to give a brief explanation on what i've done for 17 weeks while i was there.

i put "Hello Again!" coz it's been a long time since i've seen my lecturers.. so i just wna greet them just to say it's good to see them again..