
Internship Presentation Slides

i did these slides for my internship presentation after i've finished my internship at Motiofixo. nothing much.. just to give a brief explanation on what i've done for 17 weeks while i was there.

i put "Hello Again!" coz it's been a long time since i've seen my lecturers.. so i just wna greet them just to say it's good to see them again..

yang last ni poyo2 je.. haha.. seriously, i've never liked to sketch so much before.. the mere mention of the word 'sketch' scares me coz i can't draw nicely.. but, when i was at Motio, i forced myself to do so coz it's the only way i can generate ideas and foresee if i can realize them.

my intern works..? well.. some of them are not allowed to be shown publicly yet. some of them can be published, but i'll put it here later.